跨入引導 (Facilitation) 的領域,應該要從 2008 年參加台灣「引導者年會」開始。接下來的一年,我會把別人上課的內容整理之後,用在下一次自己的 workshop 中。開放智慧的 Lara, Julia朝邦文教基金會的 Jorie台灣引導者論壇的 Jackie, Vincent、教我即興表演的澳洲老師 Viv 和、美國老師 Yael Schy 和 勇氣即興的吳效賢,還創新卓越管理顧問公司的 金波 等好朋友都是仿效和學習的對象。



於是我開始設計每一個有主導權的 Workshop,從 Opening 到 Closing,從 Worksheet 到 Handout,我算是建立了自己一套 Facilitation Framework 和 Skill Set 的標準。雖然沒有接受正規訓練—CPF、NLP… 等,不過,我知道那一點都不減損我的信心。

今天,開始一本書:《Game Storming》,看到 Chapter 1 – What Is a Game?,發現我的設計和引導,其實都涵蓋了書中所提的基本原則,心中很是高興。

以下先分享一個今天的學習:GAME and PLAY are not the same thing。說實在的,我還真是沒想過 Game 和 Play 有什麼不同呢!

這是一個人的 Play

Imagine a boy playing with a ball. He kicks the ball against a wall, and the ball bounces back to him. He stops the ball with his foot and kicks it again. By engaging in this kind of play, the boy learns to associate certain movements of his body with the movements of the ball in space. We could call associative play.

這裡說的是一個小男孩面對著牆壁來來回回地踢球,慢慢地把各種肢體的動作結合在一起,作者稱之為 associative play

這是兩個人的 Play

Now imagine that the boy is waiting for a friend. The friend appears, and the two boys begin to walk down a sidewalk together, kicking the ball back and forth as they go. Now the play has gained asocial dimension; one boys actions suggest a response, and vice versa. You could think of this form of play as a kind of improvised conversation, where the two boys engage each other using the ball as a medium. This kind of play has no clear beginning or end; rather, it flows seamlessly from one state into another. We could call this streaming play.

這時候,另一個男孩過來了,不用自己對著牆壁踢球,而是 2 個人開始互相踢球。一人踢,另一人接,再把球踢回給去,這樣循環地踢球,發起者與回應者的角色隨時變換,作者稱之為 streaming play

Kid Soccer

從 Play 變成 Game


Now imagine that the boys come to a small park, and that they become bored simply kicking the ball back and forth. One boy says to the other, “Lets take turns trying to hit that tree. You have to kick the ball from behind this line.” The boy draws a line by dragging his heel through the dirt. (We’ll take turns kicking the ball. Each time you hit the tree you get a point. First one to five wins.” The other boy agrees and they begin to play. Now the play has become a game; a fundamentally different kind of play.

其中一個男孩提議要改變踢球的方式:「我們站到這一條線後面踢球,看看誰能踢中前面那棵大樹,踢中的人得 1 分,先得 5 分的人獲勝。」另一男孩同意這項提議,於是 2 人開始玩這個新的踢球遊戲。作者說:

Now the play has become a game; a fundamentally different kind of play.


有感覺了嗎?體會到 Game 和 Play的差別了嗎?

下一篇,我再從這 3 個畫面中去萃取 Game 的 5 個基本元素。

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