《Sillicon Valley》第四季中,有這麼一段對話,是員工對老闆說的:

You are my captain, and I’m your mate.
And I will sleep in the bilge with the vermin,
and I will eat hardtack, and I will say, “Thank you.”
And if duty requires, I will stand on deck,
and I will salute you as we sink beneath the waves.
你是我的船長, 我是你的夥伴。
我願意睡在有害蟲的底艙裡, 啃著壓縮餅乾, 那時, 我仍然心懷感恩。
當海浪要吞滅我們的時候, 如果任務需要, 我也會站在甲板上, 向你行軍禮致敬。


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