Fast Company〈Silicon Valley’s Designing Women Give Tips On Talking Tech〉報導了一個創業家的聚會,裡面有幾位女性設計師談到設計,有一些滿好的提醒:



Kate Aronowitz, Director of Design, Facebook給設計師的建議:

Learn how to code… It makes you a better designer if you understand how to talk to engineers and you actually have to think through how something works. It makes you think much more mechanically about the design, and it enables you to actually build something.
學習寫程式吧。那會幫助你跟工程師溝通,而且你也才知道你想的那些可不可行;那會幫助你更有結構性的思考事情;並且你可以在看到產品前,真正地做些東西 (原型) 出來。

今年,2012 年,你準備要 恢復 / 開始 寫程式了嗎?我要!另外,製作原型的能力也挺重要的,你可以參考我的文章:Prototyping 是個好玩意兒Paper Prototyping for User Interface



Karen Kaushansky, Principal Device Interaction Designer, Jawbone

One of the design principles we work towards is to create things that are both beautiful and usable… we work on the usability of these products. [We think about] what kinds of things our users are going to want to do with our devices. [We focus on making them] beautiful and usable, and then we work on adding the little things.

正好我前幾天寫的文章也呼應這個提醒,請參考 有用 vs. 好用



Sasha Lubomirsky, User Experience Researcher, Airbnb:

There’s something that happens when a person observes a user [using the software they designed] and realizes at that moment, ‘ I’ve been making all these wrong assumptions because I assumed that everyone thinks the way I do…. ‘ Most of the time, you’re not the target user. You have a more sophisticated grasp, and you’re more tech savvy. The more people see user research in action, the more they realize it’s part of the process, and it’s important.

這是一個迷思,所以,我很早就說了,他不是你 就是這個意思。而且我們常常聽到設計師說:「連這個也不會!」是的,使用者就是不會,那你能不能設計一個「學習關卡」,讓使用者簡單地就能學會呢?這才是關鍵。




你今年想要挑戰自己嗎?新春假期好好思考一下吧,還是你要跟我一樣,從 恢復寫程式 開始呢?

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