Young Entrepreneurs

最近有朋友面臨人生重大決定:創業!看他忙碌預備的樣子,除了把之前寫的〈從 GaBee. 學習到的三件事〉送給他之外,我想要幫也找不到適當的切入點,幫不上什麼忙。碰巧在 Fred Wilson 的部落格 A VC 裡讀到一篇文章:〈The Management Team – While Building Product〉,給了我一些啟發。




Wilson 開宗明義就講了:

The first stage of a startup, what I call the Building Product stage is management light. The team should be small.


1. 我常常使用的網路書籤,,網站一開始是由一個人獨力完成的。
2. 我去年開始用的適地性服務 (Location Based Service, LBS) 的先鋒,Foursquare,是由 Dennis 和 Naveen 兩人合力完成的。
3. 我的另一個部落格,是由知名的部落格服務商,Tumblr,所提供的,而它也是由 David Karp 和 Marco Arment 兩人所開發、建立、經營的。

當然還有三人團隊、四人團隊的例子。像 這樣一個人的團隊不是常態,通常

What is typical is a team of five or less. The founder/CEO is usually the product manager. There is often a technical co-founder who leads the development team. And there are often several developers (two or three). There can be a designer unless the founder is capable of doing the design.
典型的新創團隊要少於五人,創辦人或 CEO 通常都兼任 PM,而且應該都會有一個共同創辦人負責帶領技術團隊,或許再加一或兩個人開發程式,然後,或許再加一個設計師 (除非 創辦人會做設計)。




其實,Wilson 真正要表達的意思是:

Building product is not about having a large team to manage. It is about having a small team with the right people on it. You need product, design, and software engineering skills on the team.

Management at this point is all about small team dynamics; everyone on board, working together, and getting stuff done. Strong individual contributors are key in this stage. Management skills are not a requirement. In fact they may even be a hindrance.
「管理」在這個階段主要看的是這個小團隊的動態:全體動員、協同合作、完成任務。這個階段的關鍵是對任務有幫助的人,而不是管理者 (管理的技巧不是重點),更甚者,「管理」可能反而是個障礙。







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