Improv Show at Dad's Garage!

昨天晚上和 應用劇本科技 (Scenario Lab) 創辦人 DJ 聊到一個主題,如何「創新引導」這個主題。當中我們交換了許多想法和基本原則。對於這個題目,其實我們還有滿一致的認知。

今天早上看到一本新書《Structure and Improvisation in Creative Teaching》在談「結構」和「即興」在創意教學這個領域的相關理論。有興趣的人可以上 Google Book 看一下預覽。作者 凱斯‧索依爾 (Keith Sawyer) 前一本書 《Group Genius: The Creative Power of Collaboration》,中文翻譯本名為《團隊的天才,引爆協同創作的力量》,裡面有許多激發團隊創意創新的方法與提醒,是我極喜歡的一本書。

Keith 在他的新書介紹 Bolg 專文中說:

The key idea is that good teaching involves both structures and improvisation, both advance planning and adaptability. Expert teachers know how to use structures (lesson plans, activities, techniques to discipline unruly students) in an improvisational way that’s customized and targeted to each class and each student.


This is what “creative teaching” really is: it’s not a flaky,… It’s an expert with a deep knowledge of the craft of teaching, and of the subject being taught, and an expert who can use that to orchestrate valuable learning activities among the students.

這就是「創意教學」的真義 — 不是片段的,而是必須熟稔所有教材、瞭解教學目的,然後精心設計適合參與者的活動。

作為一位創新引導師,最期待聽到的一句話,我引用 Keith 說的:

A creative teacher is one who, once the learning is done, the learners say “we did it ourselves.



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